
Index and Strategies by VISP protocol

The Set Tokens, created through VISP, are digital assets designed to track the performance of some of the main assets in the cryptocurrency space. They represent Index and Strategies that allow investors to have macro exposure of the crypto space by holding a single underlying asset and limiting idiosyncratic risks. Set Token tokens are fully collateralized by decentralized, trustless, and permissionless smart contracts that hold their constituent assets. This crypto asset management tool allows pool selection driven by periodic reviews.

Note: Anyone can create their own Set Tokens using VISP as its an open source protocol. The following Set Tokens are created by

Set Tokens created by VISP would be governed by specific methodologies. In general, the following characteristics would be applied by before creating an index:

Token Selection Criteria

As part of the token inclusion assessment, would be considering a wide range of characteristics of different projects before creating a Set Tokens.

  • Every token must be having a strong community

  • The token must not be considered a security by the corresponding authorities across different jurisdictions.

  • There should be sufficient liquidity for each token to carry out large transactions.

  • None of the following categories of token would be included in Index tokens created by though VISP, including but not limited to,

  1. Meme Coins with no potential user case

  2. Abandoned Projects

  3. Protocol/Project that have become insolvent

  4. Projects with unknown developers and low circulating market cap

  5. Projects having structural problems

  6. Tokenized derivatives

  7. Tokens having inconsistencies in roadmap

  8. Tokens having less than 15% of their total supply in market circulation

  • The tokenomics must not have locking, minting or other characteristics that would put passive holders at a disadvantage.

  • The project must be widely considered to be building a useful protocol or product. Projects focused on competitive trading/holding, having Ponzi characteristics, or projects that exist primarily for entertainment, will not be included.

  • Any other criteria deemed fit by core team can be added at a later stage along with amendments made to the ones listed above.

  • The protocol or product must have been launched at least 180 days before being able to qualify to be included in the index.

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